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Every six years, Democrats offer up a sacrificial lamb to take on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Each one seems a plausible alternative and receives constant media attention and support, but none really have a chance against his political machine.
Every six years, Democrats offer up a sacrificial lamb to take on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Each one seems a plausible alternative and receives constant media attention and support, but none really have a chance against his political machine.
In former President Barack Obama's view, the world would be a much better place if he and his wife were the prototypes for a million leaders across the globe.
In former President Barack Obama's view, the world would be a much better place if he and his wife were the prototypes for a million leaders across the globe.
In the wake of Hurricane Florence making landfall in North Carolina, Tillis and Burr immediately began working with the North Carolina Congressional Delegation to secure disaster relief funding for the areas affected by the storm.
In the wake of Hurricane Florence making landfall in North Carolina, Tillis and Burr immediately began working with the North Carolina Congressional Delegation to secure disaster relief funding for the areas affected by the storm.
Today, it's my great honor to sign the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act into law. The people behind me and alongside of me have been working long and hard on this for - actually, for years.
Today, it's my great honor to sign the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act into law. The people behind me and alongside of me have been working long and hard on this for - actually, for years.
Thank you to my good friends, Speaker Ryan, Leader McConnell, Majority Leader McCarthy.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) rejected a GOP legislative proposal on Tuesday that would fix the border separation issue that has consumed the national news cycle over the last week.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) rejected a GOP legislative proposal on Tuesday that would fix the border separation issue that has consumed the national news cycle over the last week.
Today's Opportunity Zones announcement is another reason why tax reform is good for Kentucky families and our state's economy. Opportunity Zones will breathe new life into struggling communities left behind by Obama-era policies.
Today's Opportunity Zones announcement is another reason why tax reform is good for Kentucky families and our state's economy. Opportunity Zones will breathe new life into struggling communities left behind by Obama-era policies.
There were enough votes to pass the Continuing Resolution in the U.S. Senate, for the Federal Budget to not have a lapse in funding, on a simple majority vote; however, failed to win the 60 votes to avoid a Democrat filibuster, and therefore failed here in the literal eleventh hour.
There were enough votes to pass the Continuing Resolution in the U.S. Senate, for the Federal Budget to not have a lapse in funding, on a simple majority vote; however, failed to win the 60 votes to avoid a Democrat filibuster, and therefore failed here in the literal eleventh hour.
President Donald J. Trump listens to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, during a dinner with legislative leadership following meetings, Friday, January 5, 2018, at Camp David's Laurel Lodge, near Thurmont, Md.
President Donald J. Trump listens to U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, during a dinner with legislative leadership following meetings, Friday, January 5, 2018, at Camp David's Laurel Lodge, near Thurmont, Md.
In his quest to restore the broken Democrat state machine in Raleigh, Roy Cooper continues to hope North Carolinians forget his record and history.
In his quest to restore the broken Democrat state machine in Raleigh, Roy Cooper continues to hope North Carolinians forget his record and history.
Sen. Ted Cruz criticizes Sen. Maj. Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for telling a flat-out lie about Export-Import Bank
State Senate Majority Leader Harry Brown and Gov. Pat McCrory waged a war of words Tuesday over the Onslow County Republican's proposal to rework the way local sales taxes are allocated.
State Senate Majority Leader Harry Brown and Gov. Pat McCrory waged a war of words Tuesday over the Onslow County Republican's proposal to rework the way local sales taxes are allocated.
Out of the blue, government goodies for solar energy providers has become the rage on Jones Street. No one really saw this coming.
Out of the blue, government goodies for solar energy providers has become the rage on Jones Street. No one really saw this coming.
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) announced today that he recently concluded a weeklong visit to Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) announced today that he recently concluded a weeklong visit to Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
It's so sad to hear Republicans mouthing platitudes similar to what you'd expect to hear from Barry Obama - or what you might read in the pages of Karl Marx's infamous manifesto
It's so sad to hear Republicans mouthing platitudes similar to what you'd expect to hear from Barry Obama - or what you might read in the pages of Karl Marx's infamous manifesto
Remember the kerfluffle late last year over the CRomnibus? Boehner, McConnell & co. all told us that they would only fund Homeland Security through February.
Remember the kerfluffle late last year over the CRomnibus? Boehner, McConnell & co. all told us that they would only fund Homeland Security through February.
Incoming House majority leader Mike Hager is trying to open up the decision making process in the General Assembly's lower chamber.
Incoming House majority leader Mike Hager is trying to open up the decision making process in the General Assembly's lower chamber.
House Majority leader Eric Cantor spent years running around the country meddling in other people's primaries.
House Majority leader Eric Cantor spent years running around the country meddling in other people's primaries.
The seismometers were going wild around Richmond, Virginia tonight. A political earthquake appears to have catapulted the House Majority Leader into those very crowded unemployment lines.
The seismometers were going wild around Richmond, Virginia tonight. A political earthquake appears to have catapulted the House Majority Leader into those very crowded unemployment lines.
We’ve got a 17 percent federal spending freeze. But to hear the media tell it, we are experiencing THE END OF DAYS.
We’ve got a 17 percent federal spending freeze. But to hear the media tell it, we are experiencing THE END OF DAYS.
Well, House Republicans got dragged kicking and screaming into doing the right thing on ObamaCare. Now, it's the Senate's turn to step up.
Well, House Republicans got dragged kicking and screaming into doing the right thing on ObamaCare. Now, it's the Senate's turn to step up.
Most people need a manager. President Obama's boys are managed. It's just not making them any smarter.
The Politico -- hardly a right-wing rag -- has broken a story about a bipartisan group of politicians seeking to exempt themselves and their staffs from the impending implementation of ObamaCare.
The Politico -- hardly a right-wing rag -- has broken a story about a bipartisan group of politicians seeking to exempt themselves and their staffs from the impending implementation of ObamaCare.
The article was about the failure of Boehner’s ‘Plan B’ proposal to win enough support to pass the Congress. The plan — identical to something Nancy Pelosi proposed in May — would keep the tax rates the same for anyone making up to $1 million a year.
The article was about the failure of Boehner’s ‘Plan B’ proposal to win enough support to pass the Congress. The plan — identical to something Nancy Pelosi proposed in May — would keep the tax rates the same for anyone making up to $1 million a year.
A new political climate in the state capital could result in a number of school choice reforms enacted into law next year, a panel of legislators said Tuesday during a luncheon on school choice.
A new political climate in the state capital could result in a number of school choice reforms enacted into law next year, a panel of legislators said Tuesday during a luncheon on school choice.
There was an article in the 6/29 issue of the WDN (page 3, News Briefs) that said the NC backers of the NC private tuition law have given up (for now).
There was an article in the 6/29 issue of the WDN (page 3, News Briefs) that said the NC backers of the NC private tuition law have given up (for now).
I don't often agree with Joe Hackney, the minority leader of the North Carolina House. A longtime Orange County representative who is retiring this year, Hackney previously served as majority leader and speaker.
I don't often agree with Joe Hackney, the minority leader of the North Carolina House. A longtime Orange County representative who is retiring this year, Hackney previously served as majority leader and speaker.
"Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State.
"Marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State.
There is an epidemic of political whiplash being spread by North Carolina Democratic leaders. In 1996, then Senator Beverly Perdue voted for G.S. 51-1.2 - Marriages Between Persons of the Same Gender Not Valid.
There is an epidemic of political whiplash being spread by North Carolina Democratic leaders. In 1996, then Senator Beverly Perdue voted for G.S. 51-1.2 - Marriages Between Persons of the Same Gender Not Valid.
On Wednesday, April 6, about 800-1000 Tea Party and other conservative groups stood on the Capitol lawn in Washington DC to tell the government to "Cut Spending!"
On Wednesday, April 6, about 800-1000 Tea Party and other conservative groups stood on the Capitol lawn in Washington DC to tell the government to "Cut Spending!"
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